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Biraz her şey, biraz hiç bir şey... Mutlaka bir yerlerde bir kahve kokusu, sakin bir melodinin tatlı duygusu...
"How We Met" #2: The Civil Wars
Joy Williams, 29
A singer and songwriter, Williams was born in Michigan but grew up in northern California. She had always sung in church and, at 18, moved to Nashville to record gospel albums and write songs for other artists before forming the double-Grammy-winning duo the Civil Wars with John Paul White. She is married to Nate, and is expecting her first child in June.
We met in 2008 at what, in Nashville, is known as a "writing camp", a gathering of songwriters for the purpose of writing radio singles for a band that didn't even have a name at that point. I thought it was going to be a waste of time, but my publisher wanted me to go, so I said OK.
It was literally a drawing of straws to see which songwriters would be put into which room together, and by the time I got there the straws had been drawn. I was like, "OK, I'm going into this room with somebody named John Paul White." I had no idea what I was walking in to.
After about half an hour of getting-to-know-yous, he started plucking at the guitar. In Nashville, it's not uncommon to harmonise with someone but what was strange was that when he started singing it was like I knew where he was going to go before he went there – it tightened my stomach and made me pay attention.
I really needed that moment in my life. I was fried from the solo experience; fried from writing lacklustre pop songs. But meeting John Paul brought this weird feeling of falling in love with music again.
Thankfully, I married a very confident man with whom I have a great deal of trust, so when after the session I went back and said, "I met this guy today," it didn't ruffle him. He has a lot of years of experience in the music industry and he said, "Well, if you like writing with him, keep writing with him, and who knows where it will lead." My husband is now our manager and travels with us full-time. It feels like the best of both worlds.
John Paul is like family – we can get on each other's nerves but that's part of it. One of the many things I enjoy about him is that he's so very grounded in the sense of he knows what he wants to do. I tend to overanalyse and he's good at simplifying. There is a healthy tension involved in the creative process but, because we're not in a romantic relationship, we can be brutally honest and not worry about not talking to each other over dinner.
John Paul White, 39
A singer and songwriter, White grew up in Alabama and played in a range of rock bands while working at menial jobs and studying for a music degree. He is married to Jenny and has three children.
I was being paid just enough, writing songs for other artists, to get by when my publisher told me to go to this writing session. I was so burnt out, I'm still not sure why I went, as I had no reservations about cancelling things at that time.
I was in this room with the other person who was in our group, Greg Becker. I'd written some songs with him before, so I was sitting there thinking, "At least I'm not in a room with two strangers." Then Joy walked in; we both peppered her with questions and it soon became clear she had the same kind of story and that none of us really wanted to be there.
When we started singing together, there was this weird click; it was like there was a dance going where I knew I could lead her but she could lead me, too.
We immediately made another appointment to write at her house. That day it was just the two of us and we wrote "Falling", which is on our album. We were both like, "Who cares what or who this song is for; this is really cool." So we went into the studio to record it. I played the result to a close friend and she said: "She's the female you, vocally," and I totally understood what she meant. I still wasn't sure what was going to happen but I thought to myself, "From now on, she's going to sing everything that I write."
It's total yin and yang. We feed off each other – she's a bit more outgoing, more extrovert and being Californian she's forced me to be more health-conscious and to take more care of myself.
But there's things that she's interested in that I don't want to be anywhere near and vice versa. My give-a-shit bar is really low but Joy will be there to say, "John have you answered that email?" or "Are you sure you're going to wear that?"
It's hard for me to be away from my family. I've been married 13 years and my wife and kids are in Alabama, as they need to be near her support network as I'm away so much. Joy's husband, on the other hand, is a huge contributor to what we do, and when I see those two together on tour sometimes I have to admit I want to punch them both in the face. But they are mindful of my situation and understand what I go through on the road. And when I get to phone my wife and tell her, "We have a top 10 record, or we just did BBC Breakfast," it makes it easier for her to change that next diaper and understand why I'm not there.
[Simmy Richman - 18.03.2012 - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/how-we-met-joy-williams--john-paul-white-7574200.html ]
Bu tanışma hikayesi bana ait değil. Kurgusal da değil. Gerçek. Ve büyüleyici bir sadeliğe sahip.
Tıpkı bu iki harika insanın yaptıkları harika müzikler gibi...
Well done!
Bir arkadaşım bu resme baktığında beni hatırladığını söyledi.
Ben boşuna demiyorum kahve bağımlısıyım diye... *kahvesiniyudumlar*
Ben boşuna demiyorum kahve bağımlısıyım diye... *kahvesiniyudumlar*
"well it was very new and strange"
Yarın tarih sınavım olmasına rağmen orkestra parçamı çalışmayı tercih ediyorum.
Çünkü ben böyle bir insanım.
Çünkü ben böyle bir insanım.
Musician in the Rain
Google'ın değişen yazısını hala görmediyseniz sizi google.com'a davet ediyorum.
Sebebinin "Robert Doisneau"nun 100. yaşını kutlamak olduğunu göreceksiniz.
Paris sokaklarında, café'lerinde, okullarında ve tuvaletlerinde Leica kamerasıyla sayısız fotoğraflar çeken Fransız bir fotoğrafçı kendisi.
100. yaşını burada kutlamamızın en önemli sebebi ise benim çoktan unutmuş olduğum bir gerçeği google'da Doisneau'yu araştırırken yeninden öğrenmiş oluşum.
Son üç senedir resmimin yanında duran ve şemsiyesiyle çellosunu yağmurdan korumaya çalışan müzisyenin resmi de Doisneau'nun bir eseri.
İşte bu sebeple kendisini ve büyülü anları yakalamakla geçirdiği hayatını, hem kendime hem de sizlere hatırlatmak istedim.
"A hundredth of a second here, a hundredth of a second there -- even if you put them end to end, they still only add up to one, two, perhaps three seconds, snatched from eternity."
Sebebinin "Robert Doisneau"nun 100. yaşını kutlamak olduğunu göreceksiniz.
Paris sokaklarında, café'lerinde, okullarında ve tuvaletlerinde Leica kamerasıyla sayısız fotoğraflar çeken Fransız bir fotoğrafçı kendisi.
100. yaşını burada kutlamamızın en önemli sebebi ise benim çoktan unutmuş olduğum bir gerçeği google'da Doisneau'yu araştırırken yeninden öğrenmiş oluşum.
Son üç senedir resmimin yanında duran ve şemsiyesiyle çellosunu yağmurdan korumaya çalışan müzisyenin resmi de Doisneau'nun bir eseri.
İşte bu sebeple kendisini ve büyülü anları yakalamakla geçirdiği hayatını, hem kendime hem de sizlere hatırlatmak istedim.
"A hundredth of a second here, a hundredth of a second there -- even if you put them end to end, they still only add up to one, two, perhaps three seconds, snatched from eternity."
- Robert Doisneau
"Fallor ergo sum"
"The miracle of your mind isn't that you can see the world as it is. It's that you can see the world as it isn't."
-Kathryn Schulz
Şu bloga girip, yeni ileti kutucuğuna tıklayıp, ekrana boşboş bakmaktan inanın yoruldum.
İstanbul'un bir ucundan öbür ucuna seyahatlerin sıradan olduğu hayatımda, bindiğim her taşıtta, kulağımda yeşil kulaklıklarım milyonlarca şey düşünüyorum.
Her yolculukta şuraya yazacak milyon tane malzeme buluyorum.
Gelin görün ki, popomu yeşil sandalyeme koyup da bu ekranı açtığımda hepsi yok oluyor.
Hatırı sayılır bir süredir kesintisiz bir biçimde mutlu kalmayı başardım.
Dün bu uzun aradan sonra ilk defa tüm hayat enerjimin çekilir gibi olduğunu hissettim.
Bugün toparlıyorum. Bugün kızgın değilim. Bugün sakinim.
"Garip" zamanlar.
Kafanızdaki her türlü soruyu cevaplama yetisine sahip birisini arıyorsanız sualinizi şu sağ taraftaki pembe kutucuğa yazabilirsiniz bu arada. Bunu hiç söylemediğimi fark ettim.
"Why don't you save me
If you could save me
From the ranks of the freaks, who suspect they could never love anyone."
-Aimee Mann
İstanbul'un bir ucundan öbür ucuna seyahatlerin sıradan olduğu hayatımda, bindiğim her taşıtta, kulağımda yeşil kulaklıklarım milyonlarca şey düşünüyorum.
Her yolculukta şuraya yazacak milyon tane malzeme buluyorum.
Gelin görün ki, popomu yeşil sandalyeme koyup da bu ekranı açtığımda hepsi yok oluyor.
Hatırı sayılır bir süredir kesintisiz bir biçimde mutlu kalmayı başardım.
Dün bu uzun aradan sonra ilk defa tüm hayat enerjimin çekilir gibi olduğunu hissettim.
Bugün toparlıyorum. Bugün kızgın değilim. Bugün sakinim.
"Garip" zamanlar.
Kafanızdaki her türlü soruyu cevaplama yetisine sahip birisini arıyorsanız sualinizi şu sağ taraftaki pembe kutucuğa yazabilirsiniz bu arada. Bunu hiç söylemediğimi fark ettim.
"Why don't you save me
If you could save me
From the ranks of the freaks, who suspect they could never love anyone."
-Aimee Mann
Pipe ve Dream'in Maceralari 1
Benim evinin yolunu kendi evimden iyi bildigim,
Her geldigimde beraber cok guldugum,
Fakat aksam dvd'yi koyup filmi baslattigimiz anda fosur fosur uyuyan bir arkadasim var.
Oyle sinsi ki, ben her seferinde uyudugunu filmin donum noktasindaki tepkisizliginden anliyorum.
Bu sefer isi bir sonraki adima ulastirip salonu terk ederek odasina uyumaya gitti.
Ben yine karsimda bir film, elimde uykucu Dream'in iPad'i, oturuyorum...
Bir de sabahin korunde uyanmiyor muyuz...
Sinsi iste. Uykucu ve sinsi.
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