My life's been full of luck and love.
And all that jazz.
Biraz her şey, biraz hiç bir şey... Mutlaka bir yerlerde bir kahve kokusu, sakin bir melodinin tatlı duygusu...
Stories on Stories on Stories
There once was a time I wrote stories
There once was a time I wrote books
There once was a time I wrote everyday
There once was a time I wrote a diary
There once was a time I wrote songs
There once was a time I wrote songs in German
There once was a time I wrote love songs in German
And let me tell you this:
Writing love songs in German, is a big deal.
A real challenge.
Not because it's impossible, because almost everyone thinks it's impossible.
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I have been thinking about starting a new series of blogs lately.
About all the parallel universes I believe that I exist.
A blog on my "if I had" and "if I had not"s.
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Lately all I have been writing about in my free-writing assignments is concerned with my incompetence in my new life.
I moved to a big city from a equally big city.
So you'd think I'd be fine. But I am not.
Because in the big city I came from, I spent three years establishing me.
Making me.
And now I have to do it all again.
I am strong.
I am strong.
I am strong.
But nobody is that strong.
Or maybe some people are.
How would I know?
If there is anything I know about me, it is that I do not know shit about shit.
But that's all right.
Because I am, strong.
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DB thinks I know things.
He sees that I know things, because he thinks I see things.
He doesn't say that to me.
Therefore I do not have to admit that I do not know shit about shit.
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There were times in my life when I wrote poems.
I wrote shitty poems.
I wrote cheesy romantic poems.
I wrote far-too-sad poems.
I wrote meaningless poems.
I wrote poems.
I probably have written a hundred too.
None of which was brilliant.
Some sentimental to me.
But I wrote a hundred poems.
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I miss not-doubting me.
I miss being certain.
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I make things happen.
I make things happen.
I create.
I love.
I believe.
I fall in despair.
I pull myself up.
I stay strong.
I make things happen.
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I love it when people say "Shed".
Here I go to shed a little.
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