egoist elmaşekeri: sad fact: "Most of the laugh tracks on television were recorded in the early 1950’s. These days, most of the people you hear laughing are dead."- Chuck Palahniuk
Biraz her şey, biraz hiç bir şey... Mutlaka bir yerlerde bir kahve kokusu, sakin bir melodinin tatlı duygusu...
"sad fact"
Noel Kuşburnu
Two Types of Women
Christmas Spirit
"I’ll be saved when the city awakes"
Cocoon - "Oh My God" from Seduce Management on Vimeo.
Cocoon'un yeni albümü de çıkmış.
"Where the Oceans End"
Bırakın buralarda, yurtdışında da bulamayacağım yine heralde.
Aramakta yarar var yine de.. :)
Kuşburnu'nun katkılarıyla...
Mektup #5
Florence & The Machine benzeri diğer sanatçıları Myspace Müzik 'de bulun
Bu grubu yeni buldum..
Ve aşık oldum.
Özellikle de bu şarkıyı, hiç durmadan dinliyorum.
Aynı kadının farklı şarkılarını dinlemek istiyorum ama kafamda sürekli bu şarkı döndüğü için yapamıyorum...
Not: Oi Va Voi İstanbul'a geliyormuş! 21 Ocak Cuma nerde olduğumu biliyorsunuz! :)
Radikal Kararlar
Playing For Change
The Inspiration
Playing for Change is a multimedia movement created to inspire, connect, and bring peace to the world through music. The idea for this project arose from a common belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people. No matter whether people come from different geographic, political, economic, spiritual or ideological backgrounds, music has the universal power to transcend and unite us as one human race. And with this truth firmly fixed in our minds, we set out to share it with the world.
Yüz Metrede Bir
The Lazy Song (Bruno Mars)
"So you must be.. Sgt. Pepper?"
Yazmadığımız Hikayeler
"When I'm older, I'm gonna be a superstar."
Jason Büyürken
Πιθος Πανδώρα
Kasım'da Konser
"Are you there?"
"I am floating away
Lost in a silent ballet
I’m dreaming you’re out in the blue and I am right beside you
Awake to take in the view
Late nights and early parades
Still photos and noisy arcades
My darling, we’re both on the wing, look down and keep on singing!
And we can go anywhere
Are you there?
"It's just this thing seasons do.."
Mektup #4
Shuffle #11
Can never have an ordinary day
He might live a long goodbye
But that is not for me to say
I dig his friends, I dig his shoes
He is just a child with nothing to lose
But his mind, his mind
They are sleeping while they dream
But then they want to be adored
They who don't say what they mean
Will live and die by their own sword
I dig their friends, I dig their shoes
They are like a child with nothing to lose
In their minds, yeah their minds
But I'll have my way
In my own time
I'll have my say
My star will shine
Cos you see me I've got my magic pie
Think of me, yeah that was me I was that passer by
I've been and now I've gone
There are but a thousand days preparing for a thousand years
Many minds to educate the people who have disappeared
D'you dig my friends? D'you dig my shoes?
I am like a child with nothing to lose but my mind
Yeah my mind..."
Zaman Yaratmak
Dream vs. Reality
Bıraktığınız Gibi
Balık Olsam, Uyusam...
Tozu üstünde müzikler..
And still this hollow feeling grows and grows
The way you want it to.."
Çikolata Kokusu
Bir Kez Daha
How We Met
She lowered the newspaper from her face and gave him a gentle look above her reading glasses, “I do,” she said and smiled “that was the day we first met.”
“Well, it really wasn’t.” He turned to face her with a cup of coffee in his hands, a light steam coming out of it.
“I’m pretty sure it was. I remember it so well. Jake and you were discussing something about the last football match and that was when Daisy brought me to introduce us.”
“Because you were doing a thesis on the 18th century architecture and she thought it would be a good idea for you to take an architect’s opinion on it. I remember it too.”
“Then you remember that you mumbled on 18th century churches and we ended up talking about Jake and Daisy’s wedding?”
He gave a short laugh, “That’s not the point.”
“The point is, that was how we met.”
“Not really.”
“Then how did we meet?” She took her glasses off and crossed her arms over her chest, giving him a mocking yet sincere look.
“Two years before that,” he said and sat a chair, facing her. He took a long sip from his coffee as she kept looking at him, wondering. “We met at Becky’s.”
“Becky’s the coffee shop?”
“Becky’s the coffee shop.”
“The one two blocks away from my university?”
“That one.”
She looked puzzled but she didn’t intend to give in so easily, “Go on.”
“For a project I had at the time, I was doing sketches of that Victorian Church, the one right-”
“Right across Becky’s.” A wide smile started to spread on her face; she knew where this was going.
“And there you were, sitting at a table in the front corner. You were reading Hume.” He paused, staring at his coffee; he looked as if the memory was playing in his head. “And you looked so beautiful through that glass window. I couldn’t help but stop and watch you for several minutes… Until you reached for your coffee and looked up. You saw me, standing there, watching you. All I could do was to smile clumsily. Then you smiled back, for an instance, no longer than couple of seconds; but it was there, lingering on your thin pink lips.”
She didn’t want to admit but the words seemed to escape from her mouth, “I don’t remember that.”
“I know,” he said and smiled at her.
“On the other hand, that doesn’t mean we met, does it?”
“Well, I wasn’t finished,” he explained and continued “When you lowered your head to read your book, I went into the shop and sat at the table right beside you. I asked you about Hume and you started telling me all sorts of things. Philosophy, literature, architecture… Then you realized you were talking too fast, and that you were talking too fast to an absolute stranger; so you put out your hand and told me your name, I told you mine and we shook hands, while laughing much too loud due to the tension. That’s how we met.”
She was staring at him with great amazement, “That never happened.”
“But it did.”
“I think I would remember something like that.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Oh, really?”
“It’s because you weren’t exactly there.”
“What does that supposed to mean?”
“All that while, you were inside Becky’s, reading Hume; and I was outside, watching you,” he said, putting his hand on hers, lying on the kitchen table.
She held his hand and gazed into his still-sparkling eyes, “After all these years, do you really think it matters?”
“No,” he said, caressing her hand “but that’s how we met.”
Shuffle #10
Love and only love it can't be denied
No matter what you think about it
You just won't be able to do without it
Take a tip from one who's tried.
So if you find someone that gives you all of her love
Take it to your heart, don't let it stray
For one thing that's certain
You will surely be a-hurtin'
If you throw it all away."
Pipedreams'in Öyküsü
Pazarlardan Bir Tanesi
"Home, home, where I wanted to go"
Mektup #3
That love would be effortless
Like a petal fallin' to the ground
A dreamer followin' his dream
Disappointment, was my closest friend
But then you, came and it soon departed
And you know he never
Showed his face again
Kulaklık Paylaşmak
I arrived just before
Just before the sunset
And you said ,and you said
Welcome with your eyes
And we said ,and we said
Nothing at all"
Günlerden Dün
Mektup #2
Buda, Obuda, Pest!
Andrássy út
Yaz Biterken
"I paint life as I would like it to be." - Norman Rockwell
Falling Slowly
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You'll make it now
Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing along
7 Gün 7 Şehir
Gezi Notları 1: Viyana: "Pembeler su."
Not defterime karaladığım saçma sapan notların bir kısmı da şöyle:
- Obuda, Buda, Peşte! (Budapeşte böyle 3'e ayrılıyormuş, yok artık)
- Herkes yaşlı?
- German, hurray!
- İğrenç İtalyan limonatası, nefis Margarita.
- Bisikletliler
- Muntazam yerleştirilmiş, eskimiş evler.
Yeni Bavul
Dilek Feneri
Ağustos Sonu Sendromu
"Eski"lerden Kesip Yapıştırıp "Yeni" Yapmak
Shuffle #8
"I can laugh when things ain't funny
Ha, ha, happy-go-lucky me
Yea, I can smile when I ain't got no money
Ha, ha, happy-go-lucky me
It may sound silly, but I don't care
I got the moonlight, I got the sun
I got the stars above
Me and my filly
Well, we both share
Slappy-go-happy, happy-go-lucky love
Well, life is sweet
Whoa-ho, sweet as honey
Ha, ha, happy-go-lucky me "
- Paul Evans
Sanat Nereye Kayboldu?
Son Defa
That I will show my face
One last tender lie
And then I'm out of this place
So tread it into the carpet
Or hide it under the stairs
Say that some things never die
Well I tried and I tried.."
Shuffle #7
And wrapped around the music is the sound
Of someone promising they'll never go
You swear you've heard it before
As it slowly rambles on and on
No need in bringin' 'em back,
'Cause they're never really gone
Just an old-fashioned love song
One I'm sure they wrote for you and me
Just an old-fashioned love song
Comin' down in 3-part harmony
To weave our dreams upon and listen to each evening
When the lights are low
To underscore our love affair
With tenderness and feeling that we've come to know
You swear you've heard it before
As it slowly rambles on and on and
No need in bringin' 'em back,
Just an old-fashioned love song
Comin' down in 3-part harmony
Just an old-fashioned love song
One I'm sure they wrote for you and me
Just an old-fashioned love song
Comin' down in 3-part harmony
Just an old-fashioned love song
One I'm sure they wrote for you and me
To weave our dreams upon and listening to a song...
First tell me which road you will take
I don't want to risk our paths crossing someday
So you walk that way I'll walk this way"
Just Because
marilyn monroe and elvis big splash brighton festival, originally uploaded by
"Well, just because you think you're so pretty
And just because your mama thinks you're the hottest thing in
Well, just because you think you've got something
That nobody else has got,
You've caused me to spend all of my money.
Honey, you laughed and called me your old Santa Claus.
Well, I'm telling you I'm through with you
Because, well well, just because."
- Elvis Presley
"Biz dün ne yapmıştık şimdi?"
Uyanmak ne güzel
Gençkız dergilerinde
Benliğimizi aramak gibi
Ve zencefilli kurabiye
Ya da bi film belki,
Belki iki,
Hele de uğruna
Salon baştan yaratıldıysa
El yordamıyla
Vantilatör bile kurulmuş
Gülmek ne güzel
Denizin ortasında
Çay eşliğinde sohbet
Belki de duygular,
Defterden okununca daha tatlı
Bir kaç ay sonra o kadar çok fazla insanı özlüyor olacağım ki; ve bu düşünce şu an bana fazlasıyla uzak.
Çünkü bazılarını bir kaç hafta, bir kaçını geçtiğimiz şu iki üç günde gördüm.
Sohbet ettik, güldük, eğlendik..
Beraber olmak ne kadar güzelmiş...
"- Just forget about the miracles, Zia. They don’t mean a thing.
- Everybody in camp can do that but me.
- Hey, give yourself a break, man.
- I’m dying to do one. Just a small one, even if it’s stupid.
- Here’s the deal. As long as you want it so bad, it’s not gonna happen. The only way it’s gonna work is if it doesn't matter. You know what I’m saying?
- I don’t know. I guess. I don’t know. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.
- It will. It will."
(Wristcutters: A Love Story)
Gün içinde tonlarca farklı düşünce beynimde tur atıyor ve elime kağıt kalem geçene kadar hepsi yok oluyor.
Gördüğüm, duyduğum, hissettiğim ayrıntılar sabırsız birer çocuk gibi; o sırada ilgilenmezsem dil çıkarıp küsüyorlar bana.
Gerçi yanımda bi defter taşısam da taşımasamda çıkarıp not almıyorum ya, o da ayrı konu.
Edinmem alışkanlık şudur o zaman:
"Yanımda bir not defteri taşıyıp aklıma bir fikir geldiğinde hiç vakit kaybetmeden içine yazmak"
Hadi bakalım.
Not: Bu fikrin aslı Ördek'e aittir. Aklıma o soktu, şimdi beceremiyorum diye daha da kızıyorum..
3 saat sonra..
Uyumadan önce Kuşburnu'na bir hediye bıraktım, belki siz de bakmak istersiniz:
Don't Blame The Orange
Çok cici olma yolunda ilerleyen bir hikaye blogu bu, merak edenler varsa ara sıra bakabilir, hatta dilerse takip bile edebilir.
Yarın uçağım 7'de ve her zamanki gibi yerim cam kenarı..
"Sabaha bulutların üzerinde olacağım..."
Bunu siz de sevmediniz mi yani?